Become a Member
Everything we do at Leeds Involving People is sustained through the expertise and hard work of our members.
What qualifies someone to become a member? We welcome anyone who wants to share their experiences of health, social care or community services, whether these are first-hand experiences or through caring for others.
If you’re interested in becoming a member we’ll support you in whatever way you prefer, whether it’s peer support every step of the way or just giving you a bit of extra information. We work hard to tailor our approach to meet the specific interests and needs of each member, identifying the best approach to involvement. We then support and train members who want to share their knowledge and experience with policy makers and service providers.
Have you got an experience you want to share with us? Has something been good that you can share, or could some services be improved? If you’re interested in becoming a member have a look at our groups. Or, if you’d like to find out more by chatting to one of our staff please get in touch.